work 5G Measurement An in-depth measurement study of the performance, power consumption, and application quality-of-experience (QoE) of commercial 5G networks in the wild 5G mmWave Study Detailed measurements of mmWave 5G deployments using smartphone-based tools that collect detailed measurements across several layers (PHY, MAC and up) such as beam-specific metrics 5G Mobility Management We answer 4 key questions in our paper. 1) what’s the the impact of mobility on application QoE? 2) do handovers cause excessive energy overhead? 3) what implication does 5G mobility has on cellular networks? 4) what can be done to reduce this performance degradation? Networked VR A networked VR system based on 802.11ac and 802.11ad technologies that involves user location prediction, human pose estimation, radio keep-alive mechanisms, and other features to schedules VR content among ac and ad paths fun